Full Clinic Recording
Recorded Live in Longmont Colorado, April 2024
A Real Clinic, with Real Clients, in Real Time.

What Does It Show You?
This Full Clinic Recording shows the first two days of a four day clinic. Filmed on location at Wildsong Ranch in Longmont Colorado in April 2024, we go through the Foundational Clinic from start to end.
Approximately 7 hours of recording for you to view.
This Recording does not deliver to you a training flow to follow for yourself, but it certainly may inspire you to try some of the techniques shown in the recording.
Lockie is constantly evolving, so future clinics may take new forms, you get a snapshot of a moment in time!
The techniques are delivered in a slow and progressive manner, one on top of the other.
How Does It Teach You?
6 hours 58 minutes of Video Tutorials
22 Sections, for Structured Viewing
Professional Online Course Platform, mobile compatible (Udemy)
In plain, simple, clear and easy to understand English
Captions for the hearing impaired
Who Does it Teach?
New Offer!
30+ auditors so far!
Students in 10 Countries
Students who speak 4 different Native Languages
4.7/5 Star Rating on Average