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If you have never worked with Lockie before, please prepare a 15 minute video clip of you working with your horse, and submit to as part of your application.
We will review each application and put together a group we think will be cohesive and well aligned for a full 12 months of collaboration

The deepest, longest, most comprehensive, Emotional Horsemanship study support ever offered

Advanced Mentorship Program runs for the full 12 months of 2024


6 carefully chosen ambitious horse people, available by application only


Ideal for horse people whom have healthy horses with solid fundamentals, and want to see exponential growth and learning in skill and knowledge in 2024.

Lockie has never offered something like this before, so you are an early adopter, be the first to experience this level of support for your horsemanship.

The goal is to offer you and your horse advanced level coaching and training that is simple not available anywhere else. 

1.  Bi-Weekly (Twice per month) group Coaching Calls (1.5 hour) which include video review, training prompts, new techniques, new research, and deep dives

2. Monthly Private Lessons of one hour long, x 2 each month

3. 25% discount to everything else on offer.  Including courses, clinics, retreats... everything

4. A private text message group chat (Whatsapp) that entitles you to contact Lockie directly, faster than email or social-media, for assistance, questions and sharing of training clips to be reviewed. 



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Advanced Mentorship Members; please book your attendance at the Group Zooms AND your PRIVATE SERVICES with the booking functions below!

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