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Week 8: Selfless Riding, Part 1.

8.1 Selfless Riding, Part 1
Designed to Survive, Collection, the Bio-Window

8.2 Starting Again.  Constructing the Selfless Ride

8.3 Week 7, Zoom 1

8.4 Week 7, Zoom 2

8.5 Week 8 PDF

Week 7: 4D W.H.Y- Spiral

Symmetry, Flexions, Autonomous & Semi-Autonomous Posture

This weeks practical examples show an instance from community member Liz and her horse Cash.  It is a fabulous example of a horse in an upward spiral in his training over time, across almost all dimensions.  Thank you Liz for being an example this week!

7.2 Cash begins to allow us, to work with his body physically.

7.3. Liz Digs Deeper! Discovering Cash's history inspired by the Demo Dossiers.

7.4 Cash and Liz begin to have fun again! Their relationship to each enters the "robust" phase.

7.5 Week 6 Zoom 1

7.6 Week 6 Zoom 2; Hosted by Kristy and co-moderated by Michelle

7.7 Week 7 PDF

Week 6
REST WEEK, Collaboration with Kristy

6.1 4D W.H.Y: Rest, Spiritual.

6.2 Week 5 Zoom 1

6.3 Week 5 Zoom 2

6.4 Week 6 PDF

Week 5;
 Four Dimensional W.H.Y, Riding Aid Categories, Straightness.

5.1 4D W.H.Y:  PHYSICAL (Straightness) Collab with Michelle

5.2 4D Position Before Movement?

5.3 Straightness Demonstration Sani & Sur.

5.4 Week 4 Zoom 1

5.5 Week 4 Zoom 2

5.6 Week 5 PDF

Week 4;
Predictions, Emotional Stereotypes, Riding Aid Categories, The Merging Curve.

4.1 Emotional Neuroscience Upgrade: Predictions, The Care Stereotype

4.2 Riding Aid Categories

4.3 The Merging Curve; Stereotype of Care

4.4 The Merging Curve; Sani Demo

4.5 Pre-Ride & Post Ride (Groundwork Around the Demo)

4.6 Week 3 Zoom 1, Tuesday 4pm CEST

With Apologies, we must report that Week 3 Zoom 2 recording was lost to a technology disruption.  

4.8 Week 4 PDF and Worksheet

Week 3;
Affect & Mood, Straight-Curve-Spiral (Stillness) Intro, Pre-Ride and Post Ride, Last Chaos, Sureño Finds a W.H.Y and Sanson Faces the Corner.

3.1 Emotional Neuroscience Upgrade: Introducing Affect & Mood, Straight-Curve-Spiral (Stillness) Intro

3.2 The Last Chaos; Sur Finds His W.H.Y


3.4 Sanson Pre-Ride

3.5 Sanson Ride & Two-Lining

3.6 Zoom 1, Tuesday 4pm CEST

3.7 Zoom 2, Thursday 8pm

3.8 Week 3 PDF Slides

Week 2;
Riding Backwards on Principals, Chaos Salvaging, Body Budgeting, Demo Dossiers

2.1 Emotional Neuroscience Upgrade: Introducing Body Budgets

2.2 World Building, Contexts AND Constructs

2.3 Demo Dossier; Lockie

2.4 Demo Dossier; Sanson

2.5 Demo Dossier; Sureño de Centurion

2.6 Riding Demo, Sanson and the Spooky Corner

2.7 Riding Demo, Sureno and RE-Compensation, Chaos Salvaging and Impatience Simulation

2.8 Week 1 Zoom 1, LAUNCH PARTY

2.9 Week 1 Zoom 2, Tuesday 4pm

2.10 Week 1 Zoom 3, Thursday 8pm

Week 2 Teaching Slides Download and Worksheet

Week 1;
Introduction and Integration

1.1 Community Boundaries

1.2 Program Focus

1.3 Emotional Neuroscience Upgrade, Part 1

1.4 Week 1 Worksheet PDF

1.5 Week 1 Teaching Slides Download

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